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January 2014 – Board Meeting Notes

No notes were taken.  This letter was drafted but was not sent to BACE membership due to disagreements among BACE Board.


Time bank urgently needs your help

We have expended energy of existing core volunteers

Urgent need of volunteer energy, we need 10 hours per month for a minimum of three months, the kinds of things we need help on are:

We need help in these three specific areas:

  1. Education
  • Volunteering to host a party
  • Volunteering to be the person who responds to emails
  1. Maintenance
  • Moving code back to original folks
  • Figuring out a better way of communicating
  • Managing social media
  • Reboot
  1. Governance

If this interests you, please respond to this email and tell us what your interest level and commitment is, and we’ll get back to you with next steps.

Have a meeting time set up

Concern: longer the letter is the lest likely it is to be grocked (doesn’t have to be long), have been spreading ourselves too thin for too long

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