The key to making time banking more popular in your community is to first make time banking central to your life. Many people start their professional day by checking their email. I’m suggesting that time bankers make BACE part of their morning ritual. Make a request. Post an offer. And then check back at the end of your day. Move yourself from occasional use to monthly use, from monthly to weekly, and from weekly to daily. When you’re at daily use of the time bank, you’re hooked. When you’re at near daily use of time banking, it can’t help but enter your everyday conversations with friends, relatives, business owners, etc. You may feel inclined to blog about it or mention it at a sharing economy conference. It is your enthusiasm which helps the time banking community grow. Help grow BACE and transform our communities by being a daily time banker!
Inspiration: Incubating A Worker Cooperative On A Shoestring With Time Banks
Linda Hogan and Terry Daniels of hOur World talk about Time Banks in a presentation for PODER in San Francisco October 11, 2011. Time Banks are a way to get and receive services without total dependence on cash. Their roots reach deep into our history and saved many during the Depression of the 1930’s. Time Banks are making a giant comeback- and this time may be here for good!
tedX Mother T’s -> “the main emphasis is the social sphere, not the economic sphere…”
Inspiration from Mother T’s
Valerie Miller is one of the co-founders of Mother T’s, a community centre whose objective is to rebuild community, facilitate connection and tackle problems such as loneliness and isolation. The team are setting up a ‘time bank’, a system of reciprocal service exchange where hours of time are used as currency.
The team behind Mother T’s believe it has the potential to transform the way we live our lives, putting the emphasis back on ‘community’.
Valerie and the Mother T’s team drew inspiration from friends who recently set up a similar project, Northern Lights, in Ramsey.