Notes for BACE Timebank monthly organizational meeting
4-10-13, Sudo Room, downtown Oakland 8-10 pm
facilitating: Seth Mazow note-taking: Amber Yada
present board members:
Ricardo Simon, Seth Mazow, Carl Gorringe, Amber Yada (voted during this meeting)
present volunteers:
Jenny Greenwood, Megan Stoddard, Veronica de Paolis, Amber Yada
new folks:
Elizabeth Wilmerding – West Contra Costa Family Justice Center
Joseph – used to be on a coop board
Evan – met Carl last week @ Sudo Room
YaVette – has a timebank project in East Bay – East Bay Barter Exchange (EBEX) they have a swapmeet last Sunday of each month @ PLACE for Sustainable Living
Troy – heard about the meeting from Hayes Valley Farm
Troy #2 – was here at an early BACE Timebank meeting in 2009
report backs (8:10 PM) – Tech and media work meetings have been successful, let’s keep ’em going. Bank account is a few steps closer to being opened. Question about if we can barter/trade for these services. Carl – had a good tech meeting, more volunteers, people working on specific tasks. Seth – report back on media meeting – FB “page†is going down, we’re just going to have the “groupâ€; there’s a note on the “page†redirecting people to the “group.†Rick – CLC wrote a grant for trainings, self-help groups, computer classes – he needs to hand over the role of teaching classes to someone, Carla is a possible candidate. Amber – PDF on how to make a POSSE Party current media team project. Seth – we can use more board members.
Agenda items (8:37 PM)
- FB group admin – already handled. Fairly easy task of being an admin on BACE Facebook group page.
- new website – what’s the latest? Fixing bugs, etc. Carl – it takes a long time, only putting a few hours in each week. Ben is working on a design. We’ll work on it more next week. Tom already worked on his part, the first part of the work. New website is really bland right now – trying to make it nicer. User interface issues. Placement of items are hard to find. Coordinate a tech meeting if Carl can’t make it. Rick – maybe another hack-a-thon? Other voices—maybe not. What are the discrepancies between the current site and the new site? Proposed working group meeting: look at the website, create a game plan. Keep in mind – as we’re logged in, you can’t see the home page.
- Amber as new board member: the vote is yes
- establishing criteria for blog posts – should be more local, etc. user-generated. Can put a link to Mira’s blog on the side. Content: can come up with criteria at a media work meeting
- communications/gmail account: Seth talked to Google – approved BACE, but can’t log in. We will try to resolve it after the meeting.
- new organizational partnership? West Contra Costa Family Justice Center. Looking for ways to compensate presenters for her organization. Looking into how to make using the timebank safe, secure, and confidential. Wants to brainstorm ideas of how to use timebank within the organization.
- SELC application: (discussion of how different organizational partnerships work.) Any objectives? Nope!
- We will be alternating monthly planning meetings between Sudo Room and Noisebridge. Try it for 6 months and then revisit it.