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Open Source Ecology update

Marcin Jakubowski, whose work was featured in our previous project roundtable, writes to inform us of his progress:

We’ve been making good progress on the Economy in a Box – the infrastructure tools for post-scarcity, resilient communities. This is aligned with the economic localization efforts of BACE. Our work focuses on the integration of flexible fabrication with resilient communities. Subsilience is the result: the combination of resilience with modern day subsistence – a high quality of life free of compromise, which is feasible with modern technology.

Over the last 3 months, we have managed to scale our progress twofold. We’ve seen full product release of the open source CEB press, The Liberator, and we’ve had significant progress on the open source tractor, LifeTrac Prototype II. We also deployed the first prototype of the heavy duty, open source drill press, which we’re now using as part of our fabrication infrastructure. We just reported on Prototype I of the 150 ton hole puncher .  These are two additions to the open source, self-replicating Fab Lab, or RepLab. We also got the first working prototype of Hexahatch, the automated chicken incubator, in operation. We also deployed Prototype I of a honey extractor. Plus, Sean is on-site for the summer gathering documentary material, and his LifeTrac II update is choice. People are beginning to talk about us in mainstream books.

Please view this blog post for further details on the above.

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