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BACE Launches Mini Timebanks in March

BACE Timebank groups are really mini timebanks within BACE Timebank. In March 2024, BACE Timebank and one of our newest members created five new timebanks:  Advocacy & Justice, Amateur Radio Operators (Hams), Building Business Communities, Pet Care, and Writers. Members first join BACE Timebank, and then they can join a mini timebank to do exchanges with members in that group. Membership in a mini timebanks doesn’t interfere with members’ use of the larger, BACE Timebank.

Look in the Mirror

25…Number of times people said that BACE Timebank needs more financing.  

0…Typical number of times those people completed an exchange in the last year.  

All the financing in the world isn’t going to make your timebank more active. Barriers to timebanking are deep and broad; throwing money at them doesn’t work. For the past two years, BACE has had an ongoing media campaign to combat barriers and myths to timebanking. If you want an active timebank, the best advice we can give is:  Look in the mirror because that person has the power to make a difference!

Timebank Hobby & Non-commercial Skills

Timebanks operate within a capitalist democracy, so we all need to keep our day job.  We want people to share their skills joyfully, and that may be harder to do when sharing a commercial skill and receiving time instead of money.  If you feel frustrated or lacking when you get paid in time instead of money, rethink the skills that you’re timebanking.  Timebankers who want to showcase an unusual talent, consider offering an introductory service. For example, one member offers a 1-card reading (check our divinity category) through the timebank; if you want a full reading, she’ll direct you to her commercial website.

We each have skills beyond those that earn us dollars. If you earn a living as a space planner, then consider timebanking some skill other than space planning. If you fix bicycles for a living, you might consider timebanking advice on bike buying advice.  

(Photo credit: Worm That Turned, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)