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March 13th, 2012:

Homestead Skillshare Festival

What: A festival to help educate, inspire and spread sustainable living and self-sufficiency skills. (Habra traduccion en Espanol)

When: Sat, May 26th from 10-6

Where: Hayes Valley Farm, 450 Laguna Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 

Why: To make low-cost, sustainable city living accessible to all different kinds of people and jump start the transition to a more Earth-harmonious culture. To realize the potential of the Timebank to assist in skill-sharing.

Who: The BACE Timebank, Hayes Valley Farm, SF Permaculture Guild, Cohousing California, SF Urban Agriculture Alliance, PODER (SF), Occupy SF Sustainability Working Group, the Institute for Urban Homesteading, Transition SF, KitchenGarden SF, SF Bee-Cause, the Connection Action Project, SF Free School, Just One Tree, Ohlone Herbal Center, Planet Drum and more! Thanks to our media sponsor. Please contact mira (at) for more info.

Music: Alma Desnuda will be headlining and Nicco Tyson will be playing during the dinner and silent auction.

Spanish Translation: PODER SF

Food: Arizmendi on Valencia, PODER SF and Occupy SF! Stay for the benefit dinner.

Scheduled Workshops:
-solar ovens
-rainwater catchment
-chicken wrangling for all ages
-insects as food
-fruit trees
-worm bins
-cob ovens
-urban composting, worm composting
-urban gardening in the Bay and container gardening
-food preservation (incl. wine-making, pickling, miso, etc)
-water catchment and grey water recycling
-disaster preparedness
-herb growing, teas and tincture making
-qi gong
-cheese and yogurt cultures
-bee-keeping and pollination
-backyard livestock (incl. ducks, horses and/or goats)
-mushroom cultivation
-diy green cleaning
-green health & beauty
-nonviolent communication
-and more!
Tickets*: There 4 options to reciprocate the gift of this Festival (no one turned away for lack of resources). You may do one of the following: 1) donate 2hours to Hayes Valley Farm through the Timebank 2) donate 1hour to Hayes Valley Farm plus $10 to support BACE Timebank 3) make a $20-$100 donation to BACE Timebank 4) volunteer for 2 hours or teach a class at the event (we are almost full – please contact mira at for more info)
Donations of hours or $ can be made at the door or in advance (preferred and faster for you). To pay Hayes Valley Farm in hours, please log into your Timebank account or sign up, then search in the search box for Hayes Valley Farm and under their logo, click “give credit”, enter the number of hours and “Homestead Festival”. You can bring cash at the door or pay here on Eventbrite by credit card.
To volunteer or co-sponsor, please fill out this form (we are almost full for work-trade) – contact mira at for more info. To keep up to date with the event and organizing meetings, join our Meet Up group.
*No specific workshops are guaranteed. Rain or shine. No refunds.

Timebank Board Meeting Wednesday, March 14

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, March 14, is the Timebank’s monthly board meeting. It is always at 8pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Noisebridge, 2169 Mission St (b/w 18th and 17th). The board meeting is open to whoever wants to come.

That said, we have lots of work to plow through, and if you are new to the Timebank and have general questions about how it works, it might be sorta boring. We always have a board member there at 7:30pm who does a general info session. That’s geared for new folks who want to learn more who might be bored by the general board meeting.

TL;DR: board meeting Wednesday night at 8pm, info session for newbies at 7:30pm, both open to all.

Here’s the link to the meetup event if that’s your thing.

The Monthly profiles East Bay sharing systems

The Monthly profiled East Bay sharing systems called Dare to Share. I dare you to read it.

Timebank <3 Biketopia

The BACE Timebank <3 Biketopia, a nonprofit bike kitchen / bike shop hybrid started by SF Bike Kitchen volunteer Zach Cohen. You can get your bike fixed by professional mechanics or learn how to do it yourself. Biketopia also has a youth training program that works with local youth organizations to teach kids how to fix bikes. You can use your Timebank hours to get your bike fixed! Check out this Ecolocalizer article about Biketopia for more info.

Bike Kitchens

Mira Luna, a Timebank board member, wrote this rad article about bike kitchens near and far, including Timebank faves the SF Bike Kitchen and Biketopia, both of which accept Timebank hours 🙂

Shareable article about the Timebank Holiday Fair published a story about the Timebank Holiday Fair.  Check it out.  If you came and have feedback, please leave it in the comments.