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Our Leadership

BACE values a diverse leadership. The BACE Timebank is led by a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-faith, multi-generational, and gender-diverse team of timebankers leaders known as staff or advisors.  Staff meet regularly to address membership, technology, communications, fundraising, and research & evaluation.  Advisors have both breadth and depth of timebanking experience and advise staff while also leading or supporting special projects. All leaders are unpaid volunteers who may receive credit hours for their service to the Timebank.

BACE leaders are available to give presentations on community currencies, covering the basics: what a community currency is, what kinds of currency systems exist, timebank models, and timebank design considerations. There is no cost, but donations are always welcome. Contact staff (at) bace (dot) org for more information.

Jul 2024 – Jun 2025 Staff/Advisors

AZ Zaidi (Co-Director)
Carl Gorringe (Co-Director)
Advisors (Open positions)

Jul 2023 – Jun 2024 Staff/Advisors

Monica Johnston (Director)
AZ Zaidi (Advisor)
Carl Gorringe (Advisor)

Path to Staff Leadership

Current staff leaders and those interested in leading must be actively practicing timebanking; they must belief and support the idea that time is a valuable, viable currency. By actively timebanking, leaders learn how to engage members and the community within established timebanking values and policies:

  1. Read the entire website; memorize our values, mission, and vision.
  2. Become a timebank member
  3. Timebank for 3-6 months or complete 20 exchanges and attend two events
  4. Contact staff to select a one-time volunteer opportunity
  5. Contact staff to select one staff-led project to work on
  6. Contact staff apply for a staff position. All staff are required to timebank their personal requests/offers throughout their terms.