BACE meeting minutes • Sudo Room • 5 Feb 2014 FINAL
Present: Wendy Yu, Megan Stoddard, Emily Wheeler, Carl Gorringe, Ricardo
Simon, José Henriquez
1. Removal from volunteer list
Someone has posted personal attacks on the volunteer list. This isn’t
acceptable. Megan will email him to give him a warning that another such
attack will result in removal from the list.
2. Volunteer tech lead needed
We urgently need a new tech lead. Carl has been doing this work for too
long and is very busy with other tasks at present. He will get account info
and other info ready to hand off to the new lead. Emily will write a
volunteer job description. Rick will post it on the Sudo Room and
Noisebridge lists. Emily will post it other places.
3. BACE bank accounts
We need to close our account with Patelco and deposit the money in our
other account at SF Fire Federal Credit Union. Ricardo will do this. He will
also pay Carl the money that he is owed by BACE.
Megan and Emily will arrange to have their names added to the SF Fire
4. Support emails
Megan has been responding to emails requesting support in using the BACE
website. She will hand off this responsibility to Emily for now. Megan and
Emily will devise a system for sharing the work.
5. DIY festival
BACE will put on a DIY Festival in East Oakland. It will be similar to the
Urban Homestead Festival in San Francisco in 2012. The tentative date is
Saturday, June 21st
formed: Ricardo, José, and Emily. Emily will research possible venues such
as San Antonio Park.
6. Vocabulary
BACE is considering changing the terms used to describe BACE people and
a. Instead of being on the “board,†those doing BACE work would be
“staff.†Any members of the collective who are at a BACE meeting or
– the summer solstice. A festival working group was
contributing hours to BACE projects would by definition be on the
b. Instead of “governance,†the work of the staff would be considered
c. When the website content is revised, references to money and
payments would be eliminated.
7. Volunteer coordinator
Emily has offered to be the volunteer coordinator. She will keep track of
what tasks need to be done and who has offered to do them.
8. New meeting times
We will continue to meet on first Wednesdays and to alternate between San
Francisco and Oakland. The new meeting times will be:
6:30 – 7:00 Pre-meeting orientation for those new to BACE
7:00 – 8:00 General meeting
8:00 – 8:30 Post-meeting “nuts and bolts†discussion
Carl will change the meeting times on the Sudo Room and Noisebridge
wikis. He will also change the MeetUp listing.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5th, at Noisebridge.