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Meetings Relocated

Until April 2013, all BACE general meetings were held at Noisebridge on the second Wednesday of every month. Starting then, if you were watching the sidebar on the homepage, you may have noticed a change. April’s meeting was held at the Sudo Room in Oakland instead. May’s meeting will be held back at Noisebridge, June’s at the Sudo Room, and so on.

Currently, we are holding the general meeting at the Sudo Room in even numbered months and at Noisebridge in odd numbered months. The plan is to continue this arrangement for six months, then re-evaluate it and determine if we should continue to alternate meeting locations between Noisebridge and the Sudo Room or choose another arrangement.

The decision to alternate meeting spaces was made largely so that we could better accommodate both San Francisco and East Bay members. Wherever we hold our meetings, we realize that some people will have to cross the bay, that some who would be able to attend at Noisebridge can’t make it to the Sudo Room, and vice versa. On the plus side, alternating meeting spaces allows a greater range of people to attend the meetings, even if it means that some can no longer do so every month.

All general meetings are open to all BACE members, and all meeting attendees are welcome to make proposals and to vote on them. If you have an opinion on this or any other Timebank issue, please come to a meeting and make your voice heard! And if you cannot attend a meeting, you are welcome to email your thoughts, questions, and suggestions to