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BACE’s September POSSE Party! Yay!

Our next POSSE Party will focus on FAMILIES: the ones we’re born into, and the ones we create. Free childcare will be provided. It’s gonna be on September 20th, 2012, at the Happiness Institute, 1720 Market St in San Francisco.

Come by any time from 4 PM to 8 PM and participate in our potluck, skill-shares, and gift circles. Your little ones will be expertly attended by experienced volunteers whenever you need a break. We will also have a skill-share geared for younger participants.

Please bring something yummy to eat or drink to share!

If you will need childcare, feel free to call Amber at 415-699-7011, so we can arrange to have enough volunteers and age-appropriate activities.  You can also email her at
Power to the babies, kids, and grown folks!

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